Cross-Country Season FINALE

Junior High Cross-Country

The Junior High Cross Country Running Team had a successful season this year. They had 3 meets – Waldorf School, Calgary Academy, and the final meet was at  Tanbridge Academy. There were approximately 50 students ranging from Grade 7 to 9 who joined the team. It was a fantastic group of students, and we had three dedicated and helpful student coaches who assisted the team – Ashleigh Wilkins, Ollie Clouston, and Joel Feng. It was a rewarding and positive season ending with us winning the CISAA 3J banner! Well done, everyone!

Coaches: Mme. Martin and Mme. Standring

Senior High Cross-Country

Congratulations to the Senior High cross-country running team on winning the league banner again! Forty-six Senior High cross-country runners showed tremendous growth throughout the short season, and their efforts were rewarded by many successes, personal bests, and medals. Special congratulations go to the following runners who placed in the top 25 at the zone championships this year, among more than 120 competitors in each division, qualifying for the provincials: Aarush Sathawane (6), Ethan Ng (16), Maya Besseling (11), and Ollie Clouston (25). We applaud Aarush Sathawane who competed in the provincials in October and placed 7th. Great work, everyone!

Coaches: Sra. Noworyta-Fridman, Mr. McGrath, and Mr. Falk


Volleyball Season Wrap-up